Coffee With Benefits

Coffee With Benefits

A new study suggests that our morning cup of coffee has significant positive effects on our health. According to a study that was published in BMJ Medicine, coffee consumption is linked to fewer cases of type 2 diabetes. In addition, a caffeine rush can also aid in fat loss.

The study measured the caffeine intake of nearly 800,000 people over a lifetime and discovered that those with the highest estimated caffeine level had significantly lower body mass index (BMI).

As it turns out, wellness coffee is making waves right now, just when you thought coffee couldn't get any better.

Coffee company Rokit which released the Mind Boost Pods and Immunity Boost Pods, claim to be the UK's first coffee pods with added vitamins, minerals, and botanicals which aim to boost overall health.

The Mind Boost pods are made entirely of Arabica coffee and contain a blend of vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12 that, according to the company, will support your nervous system and improve your mental performance.

The Immunity Boost pods, on the other hand, are enriched with vitamins B6, B12, D, and zinc to promote a strong immune system.

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Should vitamins and caffeine mix?

There is no simple solution, but Cannelle Nutrition founder and registered nutritionist Uta Boellinger says it can be a good option for people who aren't getting enough vitamins from their food.

She said that if a person is unable or unwilling to alter their diet and will not take supplements in any other form, the best option might be to include them in their coffee.

Nevertheless, registered nutritionist Eva Humphries of BANT explains that in order to be realistic about the effects, we need to be wary of the kinds of nutrients that are added to our coffee.

Humphries elaborated that it's also important to note that synthetic nutrients, like those found in coffee, may not be fully absorbed by our bodies. Therefore, we may find ourselves in a situation in which we believe that the enrich-coffee provides us with 100% of the vitamin we need on a daily basis, but in reality, we may only absorb 10% of that nutrient.

Additionally, Boellinger goes on to say that not everyone benefits from caffeine: As a nutritionist, I almost always advise people to cut back on their intake of caffeine, and if they come to see me for anything related to stress, we typically eliminate it completely.

Supplements, according to Boellinger, are a useful tool for improving our overall health, but vitamins and minerals should be sought through food first.